Green River Lake State Park in Taylor County, KY is a lovely lake that was created by a dam built by the Army Corp of Engineers. Like most of the man-made lakes, it is also maintained by the Army Corp.
There are marinas, campsites and wilderness trails surrounding it.
I recently ventured in the park after living nearby for 8 years. I don't know why it took so long to check it out but I'm glad I did.
It isn't very primitive like most of the parks I've visited, but it's worth the trip since it is so close.
Going in the autumn and winter allows me to wander and shoot nature undisturbed.
The first trail my friend and I entered was the Beaver Pond and Salisman Trail. This is the first one on the left after crossing the dam. The trail is almost invisible due to leaves covering it and so we didn't stay long but did find another visitor along the way.
The Eastern Box turtle crossed the path, searching for mushrooms. He or she let me photo graph them so may be he or she were used to visitors.
We drove to another picnic area which was
surrounded by beautiful colors of autumn leaves.
My friend is posing on the fence. Notice the blue lake in the background.
The beach is closed but the warm November day was so inviting.
Boaters enjoyed the open water I'm sure.
The brown and red background are a wonderful contrast to the blue lake.
The southern part of the lake at the end of lakeside trail shows an open span of water.
My friend was brave enough to sit on the edge...I wasn't !
It's such a peaceful place to relax for the afternoon and just think.
We climbed back up the hill to the car and bid a fond farewell. I will return and snap more photos I'm sure.
Sometimes we need to check out the local