The North and South Arches or Twin Arches as they are better known, lie almost in the middle of this wonderful preserve.
I had the pleasure of photographing these two giants, in the middle of a thick forest, last month.
Actually, if you want to find them, you must travel on hwy 154 as if you were going to Pickett park, and follow the large sign.
As you can see, there are other great hikes in the same area.
Take a turn on to Divide Rd and then stay straight on that gravel road for about 6 miles to the end.
Some turn right onto Ridge Fork Rd to the end.
The last time we tried to locate this, there were very few.
The dirt path was wide and easy to walk on.
As we neared the arches, there was a fork in the path.
We took the longer one and ended up on top of one of the arches.
But first we had to climb down very steep wooden staircases,onto the arch.
Yeah, hold on and watch where you step.
Taking photos, while stepping down is not recommended.
After walking across the rocky top of one arch and down another set of stairs, we turned right and there was the first one!
How beautiful and impressive this was!
This one was the North Arch.
it was hard to capture the whole size due to the tree foliage and its' size.
The sign is on the bottom, between the these arches.
The South Arch is even more impressive than the North one.
We stayed about a half hour, photographing
and remarking about its size and features.
Other visitors arrived to shot as well
As we headed back to the parking lot, it started to drizzle so we hurried the pace.
Oh goody, more steps.
I love to walk along paths and see these natural wonders along the way. I often think and image who was living there and what life was like so many eons ago.
I do know some of the history in these woods, involved the logging and mining industry, and was grateful that these were left alone.
My next adventure will be to capture and admire Slave falls, which is close by.