There's a sweet little park with such a beautiful waterfall, and not many know about it.
Just a small roadside parking area leads visitors down the steps, across a cascading creek and into a small picnic area.
One can walk right next to the top of the falls(behind a fence) and see the water rolling over limestone creek bed and down about 83 feet.
If you walk to the left of the falls and around the fence, you can get a side view glimpse of this beauty. I'm not advising anyone to do this and especially if small children are present. There are wooden crosses around the fence line reminding all that others got too close to the edge.
Another view of the 76 falls is on the overlook, which is back over the wooden bridge and to the left this time (or right if approaching from the parking lot.) There is a steep set of steps taking you up to the overlook which gives the best views. I sat on top of the stone wall for this shot.
Since you won't find any signs anywhere,
the best way to locate this is to approach it from hwy 90 in Albany, KY, and turning onto hwy 734 and then right onto hwy 3063.
Follow that a few miles and you'll see a small parking area on the left.
But most people who visit the falls, come by boat and find it in a cove called Indian Creek, left of Grider Marina.
There is a nice
website to read about a town that existed there one time called 76 Falls. It was wiped out by a killer tornado and never recovered.